Saturday, November 25, 2006



With a partner or two choose one segment on pp. 61-68 in your packet, prepare study materials and tasks, and conduct a class. This is part of your participation grade. If you haven’t been very good with participation and contribution, this is a place where you can make up for the deficit.

1. There are 6 units. Choose one or two partners for the assignment.

2. Distribute a study guide (vocabulary, expressions, grammar, comprehension questions) in advance.
3. Conduct a class.
4. Prepare a short assessment tool.

5. You will be evaluated for
  • Accuracy of the study guide and instruction
  • Effectiveness of the instruction
  • Equitable division of labor among the team members
Sign Up as of 12月3日
11月27日(月) リソース1 プロフィット
11月29日(水) リソース2 クリストファー
12月 1日(金) リソース3 ギルバート、藤井、鄭
12月 4日(月) リソース4 クーン、ヴー、スキナー
12月 6日(水) リソース5 クリカウスカス、チング、フェリング
12月 8日(金) リソース6 ベックマン、ローゼンバーグ、カーター

11/27  ♡プレゼンテーション リソース1 パケット61-62
11/29 ♡リソース2パケット62-65
12/1  ♡リソース3パケット66

12/4 ♡リソース4パケット

★Term Project
12/13☆期末試験 オーラル
12/15☆ 期末試験 オーラル

☆ 期末試験(筆記)

期末試験 (Written 10%, Oral 5% of the course grade)

I. オーラル will be a one-on-one interview with one of your instructors. There are two parts to the oral exam: 1) sensei interviewing you, and 2) you interviewing sensei. Sign up for a 15 minute slot either for December 13 or December 15. The sign up sheet will be circulated.
1) Your sensei will ask you questions that have been asked in the previous two exams (written and oral).
2) You may prepare a list of questions and bring the list to the interview. The questions must be related to what we have read in the course of the semester. You will be jotting down the sensei’s answers in Japanese or English. Bring your cleaned up notes in English to the written exam.
The oral exam will be assessed for:
  • Accuracy-output (grammatical awareness, pronunciation, specific vocabulary and expressions that have been learned this semester)
  • Accuracy-input (comprehension of the content)
  • Fluency-output (pause, rhythm, melody, ease, communication strategies)

II. 筆記試験 will cover 6リソース.

Please adhere to the deadlines as much as you can. Your senseis reserve the right to accept or reject any late turn-ins.
  • 翻訳
  • プロジェクト
  • 作文

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Translation Requirement (Japanese into English) 10%

Translate an article or a passage on the Internet that’s related to the main topics of the reading:
  • The translation has to be done in three stages.
  • The piece must be about 400 English words.
  • Please show your instructor the piece on or before 10月23日。Please send it via e-mail, or send the URL.

draft 1  10月30日
Fairly literal. May have some English words untranslated IF you cannot find it in dictionaries that are available on-line, electronically, or in paper.

draft 2  11月27日
Has to be fairly idiomatic. Needs to be intelligible to mono-lingual, educated English speakers

draft 3  12月11日
Has to be smooth and has no trace of translationese.

The three drafts will be assessed for:
  • Effort that goes into producing Draft 1 (use of resources)
  • Progress you have made between Draft 1 and Draft 2
  • Comprehension (accuracy) of the Japanese text in Draft 3
  • Word choice, appropriateness of the register in Draft 3

Friday, October 06, 2006


Here’s how your 作文 requirement works.

Write two 500字作文 and one 1,000 字作文in the course of the semester. All three 作文must discuss the topics in the common reading assignments.

500字作文I 3 %
500字作文II 3%
1000字作文III 6%

You must submit three drafts for each sakubun. The due dates are as follows:
作文1   9月22日   9月29日 10月 6日
作文2 10月13日 10月20日 10月27日
作文3 11月10日 11月17日 12月 8日
  • I am sometimes late returning your submission, so please bear with me. I will still accept late turn ins (not due to my tardiness), but you may not receive full credit for it. I do expect you to turn in the first draft of each sakubun on schedule.
  • Please mark clearly which sakubun and which draft you are submitting.
  • The third and final draft is evaluated for:
1. Linguistic structure, logical sequence, argument formation
2. Appropriate use of vocabulary and gramma
3. Content and originality of thinking